Interdisciplinary Exercises

An interdisciplinary approach to the study of the striped bass and its ecosystem is a powerful way to learn about how the humanities intersect with the sciences.

A few examples are given below.  Perhaps your class can use these or others and design a teaching module that can be submitted to and made available to other schools.


Striped bass is one of the most popular recreational fish and is popular as a food item for consumption at home and in restaurants.

The popularity is highlighted by the number of states that list Morone saxitilis as a state fish:


New Hampshire, salt water game fish

New York, marine

Rhode Island

South Carolina

Virginia, salt water

In addition this fish was named a national fish in 2015 based on the passage of the Striped Bass American Heritage Act.

Opportunities to use this fish in art are numerous from fish in their natural habitat to the recipes used in the culinary arts.

Submit artwork to: (Add to this site)


Prepare a Gyotaku print of a striped bass. Are there any external anatomical features that are uniquely different from other fish?

Sketch a skeleton of the striped bass. What features of the skeleton are used in the classification of this animal?


–How can you evoke emotion with art using the striped bass?

Art in business

–Can you design a striped bass stamp? Or a t-shirt to sell?

Submit designs to:


–Can you think of ways that art can act as a conservation tool?

— Can you sketch a cartoon using the striped bass that might raise the awareness of challenges facing the species?

Submit cartoon to: (Add to this site)


–What different methods might you use to capture striped bass on video?

–How can you enhance the website with art and videos?

Submit video to: (Add to this site)


Striped bass are common in Massachusetts waters from mid-May to mid-November. What sorts of science projects can be conducted from mid-November to mid-May when the fish have started their migration south?

Certainly one can collect data from mid-May until the end of school and from the beginning of school in the Fall until the fish migrate south. It may also be possible to conduct summer research with a scientist mentor.

There are many projects that can be done during the other parts of the school year by analyzing data that you have collected, by “mining” data on the web, researching and writing and/or by connecting with high schools that are in locations where the bass overwinter.

Here are some ideas for topics that can be done without the striped bass being resident in Massachusetts.

How many different types of fishes are known? How many more are discovered each year? Are fish the most diverse vertebrate? How are fish classified? Has DNA technology changed the way we view fish classification? Why name a fish with two Latin names? Morone saxitilis


–What features of the fish place it in the family, Moronidae?


–What is the genetic diversity of striped bass and how does it relate to relative importance of different breeding grounds?

–What are hybrid striped bass?

–How can hybrid and wild striped bass be differentiated?


–Most fish are generally restricted to either salt water, fresh water or sometimes brackish water. What special features of the striped bass allow it to move between fresh and salt water?


–How do striped bass find and stay at specific locations for the summer during their northern migration? What senses might be involved?

–Do striped bass make sounds?


–How do striped bass escape predation?

–How do striped bass feed on schools of fish? How does their technique compare to other predators like bluefish and false albacore?


–What trophic level on a food web do striped bass occupy?

–Why do some states warn pregnant women against eating striped bass?


–Are pollutants threatening the striped bass fishery?

–Is Mycobacteriosis a threat to the striped bass fishery?

–What is the range of striped bass around the United States? Have striped bass been

introduced to non-native environments?

–What is a hybrid striped bass? (Bass magic, in the news)

Climate change

–Is climate change affecting the migration of striped bass?

–Does climate change affect other aspects of fish behavior?


–Why do striped bass migrate?

–Do all striped bass migrate?

–What triggers a fish to migrate to the north in the spring, and then later to the south in

the fall?

Migration; Tagging and Essential Fish Habitat

National Content Standards: 5-8; Content Standards A, C, F (All about the bass, migration)


–What do striped bass eat? Do these prey items migrate?

–What eats striped bass? Do these species migrate?


–Where do striped bass spawn?

–When do they spawn?

–At what age do striped bass spawn? Are the number of eggs released related to

female size?


Dissolved oxygen

–What is hypoxia?

–How does hypoxia affect the physiology of a fish?

–Is hypoxia related to global warming?


–What is salinity?

— What levels of salinity define freshwater, brackish water or salt water?

–Why is the striped bass considered an anadromous fish? Can you list other fishes that

are anadromous fish?

–What are some examples of a catadromous fish?

Osmolarity, osmosis

–What challenges does a striped bass face in salt water (salinity of water is greater than

salinity of tissue), in fresh water (salinity of tissue greater than salinity of water)?

–How is water moved between the environment and fish tissues?


–Why does salt corrode metals?

–Striped bass will often swallow hooks. Will the hooks dissolve? Why?


–How does one measure PCBs, mercury and other toxins in striped bass muscle?

–Who sets unsafe toxin levels? What is the biological basis for the levels?

–Why are warnings given first to pregnant women?


–What is the preferred temperature range of a striped bass?

–What are the extreme temperature limits of a striped bass?

–How would you design an experiment to determine preferred or extreme limits?

Detection of chemicals

–How do striped bass navigate along their migration route?

–How do striped bass find a particular river or specific location along their migration route?

–Many fishing products are sold based on their ability to attract fish. What is the chemical basis for these claims? Is kerosene an attractant? If striped bass prefer a certain food source, does that food source release a chemical attractant?

Culinary arts

–Why is striped bass such a popular table food? (Add to this site, Recipes)

–What portion of the fish is used for consumption?

–How much waste is there in the use of striped bass for consumption? Can you think of ways to reduce the waste? Do other cultures utilize fish more efficiently?


–Calculate the maximum amount of money a commercial fisher could have made in Massachusetts in 2016?

Up front Costs:

Boat, Registration; License; Insurance; Truck; Trailer; Mooring; Upkeep: Gas and oil, Winter Storage of boat and motor and Labor costs; Gear: Rod, reel, line, lure; Bait: $30 for 3pounds of eel, preferred bait = live menhaden (bunkers)—these have to be caught by the fisher

Regulations that determine poundage to sell:

–maximum fish/day that can be caught, and average weight

–Commercial length restrictions

–Number of days/week that one can fish.

–Total fishery tonnage (quota) before fishing is stopped.


–Price per pound: variable due to availability. If market is saturated, as low as $2/lb, if not as much as $5/lb.

What are the total costs, gross profit, net profit?

How do tax deductions on IRS Form C factor into your calculations?

Can a commercial fisher make a living catching just striped bass in Massachusetts?

–In some states a commercial fisher must make a percentage of their salary fishing to

qualify for a license. How does this affect the ability of a fisher to make a living?

–How long before a commercial fisher makes a profit? Are their ways to reduce upfront

costs and how does that affect your calculations?

–What are the economics of the commercial striped bass fishery? Total tonnage caught,


–How do the estimates for revenue from recreational fishing as compared to the revenue of the commercial fishery?

–What is the Exclusive Economic Zone and why was it created?

–Can striped bass be served in a restaurant in a state that does not have commercial fishing?

–How much does a charter fisher need to charge per trip to make a living?

–The Atlantic States Fisheries Commission estimates that 8% of striped bass caught and released die. Based on the estimates of fish caught in Massachusetts, how many fish does this represent? How can the numbers be reduced?

–Develop a policy to regulate the length of striped bass that can be caught and kept to protect the striped bass fishery. Females are not sexually mature until after 4 years of age. The number of eggs produced by a female is related to its size. There are many more small striped bass than large ones. So to determine a policy you must take into account all of these factors and more. You also need to think of protecting the “young of the year.”  Should your policy focus on a minimum length limit or an upper and lower length limit (slot limit)?

–where do funds come from to support the Atlantic States Fisheries Commission?

–where do funds from fishing licenses and boat registrations go?

–where does the Federal excise taxes on sport fishing equipment go?


–Write an autobiographical essay under the assumption that you are a striped bass.

Background material can be found at (Bass Magic; All About the Bass). Submit an autobiography to (Add to this site)

–Make a list of words that are new to you on the website (, define them and then re-read the text to understand their meaning in context.

Many books are available including:

Moby Dick by Herman Melville

Night Tides by Michael Cinquemani

On the Run by David DiBenedetto

The Mortal Sea by W. Jeffrey Bolster

Cod by Mark Kerlansky

Return of the Osprey by David Gessner

The Big One by David Kinney

Striper Wars by Dick Russell

The Striped Bass by Nick Karas

–Take a point of view on a controversial topic related to striped bass and write an essay providing the opposing points of view. For example, do fish feel pain or should treble hooks be banned., (All about the bass, Controversies)

–Conduct a classroom debate on a controversial topic related to striped bass?

Some controversies can be found at (All about the bass, Controversies)

–Write and perform a comedy routine on some aspect of fishing.

–Start a fishing club and submit newletter to


Atlantic States

Atlantic States Fisheries Commission develops regulations on the length and number of striped bass that can be caught.

–Why have a commission?

–What states are involved in the commission?

–Who are the members of the commission?

–Does the commission have the authority to shut down a state fishery if it does not abide by conservation plans? (All about the bass, migration)

Chesapeake Bay, Delaware River, Hudson River

–Where are the major spawning grounds for striped bass? What states control these spawning grounds?

— Are spawning grounds polluted? By what? Are measures being taken to reduce pollution?

North America, South America

Osprey can prey on small striped bass. Osprey from Massachusetts migrate to South America in the fall and back to Massachusetts in the spring.

–Why do osprey from northeastern U.S. migrate to South America?

— If you were an osprey, how would you travel to South America, and be able to stop daily to eat (remember, you are one of the few raptors that almost exclusively eats fish!). Do you have to fly overnight at any point along the trip? Are there multiple geographic routes that can be taken? (All about the bass, predators)

–Why do osprey go to South America?

North America, Mexico, South America, Europe, Africa

–How many osprey populations are found worldwide?

–For each population what is their migration route?

–Do all osprey migrate or are their resident populations?

–How many countries and continents are involved in worldwide osprey migration?

See: Ospreys. A natural and unnatural history by Alan F. Poole

Crabs, squid, menhaden, river herring, mullet, ocean herring, shellfish, sand eels, etc. are prey of the striped bass.

–Do any of these prey migrate? What are their migration routes? Do their migration routes affect where and when the striped bass move?

–Why do some prey migrate and not others? (All about the bass, prey)


During his maiden voyage into the Chesapeake Bay in 1608, Captain John Smith observed of the striped bass, “I myself at the turning of the tyde have seen such multitudes that it seemed to me that one mighte go over their backs drisho’d”

First settlers

–What was the Massachusetts Bay Colony?

–Who was John Winthrop?

–Did the first settlers use striped bass? What for?


–When was the first law passed to protect the striped bass?

–What legislation has been passed since then to protect the striped bass? What events prompted this legislation?

–What role did John Chafee (former Governor and Senator from Rhode Island) play in saving the striped bass in the 1980’s during the decline of these fish? (All about the bass, protecting the bass)


Conduction velocity

–Can striped bass regulate their body temperature?

— Can any fish regulate their body temperature?

–How does temperature affect the nervous system?

–How do striped bass respond to decreasing water temperatures?


–Can fish remember?

–What evidence supports your hypothesis? How would you test it?

Sensory systems

–What is the lateral line, what does it do?

–Do mammals have the equivalent of a lateral line?

–How do fish hear sound?

–How does their organ of hearing differ from that of mammals?

–Do fish feel pain? (All about the bass, controversies)

–Why do striped bass chase and then abandon chasing some lures?


Electrical fields

–Do fish have an electrosense?


–How do fish navigate during migration?

–What methods do striped bass utilize to navigate during migration?


–How can you navigate from one location to another without the aid of GPS?

–Can fish use the same methods of navigation?

–Plot a course from North Carolina to Woods Hole, as if you were a striped bass.


–Can fish see things outside of the water?


–What is the distance from the Chesapeake Bay to Martha’s Vineyard?

–How long would it take a striped bass to make this trip?

Statistics, computation


–What environmental cues trigger striped bass migration: day length, temperature, bait availability, angle of the sun, water clarity or some other factor?


A large female striped bass can lay millions of eggs.

–What factors are important in the survival of an egg to become a young adult?

–What is the probability of one particular egg surviving?

–What factors are most important in increasing the probability an egg will survive?


–What data does the Atlantic States Fishery Commission use to set regulations for striped bass fishing in any given year? How accurate is “Young of the Year” data?

–How is striped bass mortality calculated? How is the data obtained? Is it reliable?

–How is the “Maximum Sustainable Yield” calculated?  What assumptions are made determining this yield?

Click to access turning_the_tide_msy_explained.pdf



–How can drones help scientists study striped bass?

–View the feeding methods of striped bass (All about the bass, prey)


–Can GPS be used to track striped bass?

–What are the limitations of GPS in water?

Pattern recognition

–Do young striped bass have distinctive line aberrations?  Do the aberrations differ on the two sides of the body?

–Does recognition software to identify individual fish?

–What controls would you need to convince others that the line aberrations were real?


–How would you build a robotic fish with a camera to study striped bass habits?

–How would you make it “life-like?”


–What technology exists to image striped bass?

–Can the species of fish be identified with such technology?

–How would you determine the number of fish in a defined area using this technology?

Tagging methods

What methods exist to tag and study striped bass? What is the limit of each tagging method? What method(s) would you use to track striped bass to determine their migration route? (Surprising Science, Student projects, 2016)

Underwater ROVs

–Can you design and build an underwater ROV using bilge-pump motors?   Can bilge-pump motors work at 100 meters below the surface–what would be the pressure at that depth?

–Why are DC motors so valuable in the control of an ROV?

–Can you mount a GoPro camera on your ROV and take pictures of striped bass?  What challenges might you face?